Securing Supply Chain Traceability Using Distributed and Embedded Security Mechanisms


Securing Supply Chain Traceability Using Distributed and Embedded Security Mechanisms

Modern supply chains necessitate for secure data exchanging protocols between heterogeneous systems that can achieve the traceability of the traded goods. Furthermore, securing the traceability of the supply chain is crucial for its certification. Data involved in the supply chain usually originate from various sources, such as sensors on trading goods and assets, sensors on tracks and warehouses, transactions, and more; and can offer a competitive edge to organisations that harness the power of data, leading them to informed decisions and rapid responses to changing conditions. These systems should manage data responsibly, addressing privacy and security concerns to ensure their integrity and availability, while efficiently managing the cost of storage and operations. At the same time, the deployment of these systems in the field makes them vulnerable to malicious users that may have access to the deployed devices. In this environment, the designer of the systems involved in the supply chain needs to select the appropriate platforms that support multiple connectivity options for data collection from sensors and are suitable for developing security services.

The special session focuses on evaluating the traceability capabilities on different supply chain networks, and proposing distributed as well as embedded system architectures for securing the traceability of supply chain products and assets. Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Integrity and availability methods for supply chains
  • Countermeasures against hardware attacks in IoT devices
  • Secure embedded processor architectures for supply chains
  • Error Logging and Reporting techniques for embedded systems
  • Continuous Authentication in Supply Chains

Special Session Organizers

T. Dasaklis,

V. Tenentes,

G. Spathoulas,